Today's Random Act of Video.....

Im feeling this Timbaland Drake collabo right now..hope you are too :o) as well as the new Monica joint..her style in this video is killing the game... enjoy!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

General thoughts on life... General
Ok yall....I just watched "Sicko" the latest Michael Moore documentary on America's health care issues. All I can say is <> I stumbled upon it on the hum-bug while looking for something else on the new tv link website (if you dont know about it, hit me up and Ill explain later :o). I applaud him for his efforts to expose the harsh and shameful truths about our far from perfect America. I dont want to spoil it for those of you intrigued enough to check it out on your own but it really got me thinking about life in general and how we value it at times (in the literal and figurative sense). People take the frailty of life for granted. We get bogged down in the daily stress of trying to maintain so much so we forget to acknowledge what we DO have while constantly adding to the list of things we dont. But trust me, no matter what youre going through in your life right now however bleek it may seem, theres someone out there, perhaps even closer than you think who is catching hell twice as bad. Someone you may or may not know is wondering how theyre going to keep the bank from taking their house this month, didnt have a father to talk to this past father's day, is suffering through a terminal illness and has no idea how the hospital bills are going to get paid...You name it and I bet someone you or I know is going through it. You never know the kind of misery other people are in when youre only focused on what you consider to be your own. I remember months ago I was driving home late at night after going out with some friends when I spotted a young woman about my age standing on the stoop of an abandoned building. Now it had to be about 2:30 am so I figured she was probably an addict out late looking for some drugs...or something else if you know what I mean. Turns out I was right, she was an addict and a prostitute but when I looked closely I realized I KNEW her. When she looked at me I could tell she didnt recognize me but I immediately remembered her face. She was a girl I had gone to junior high and high school with. In talking to a friend I found out she had been out on the streets crack addicted for the past few years. "Most times her family doesnt know whether shes alive or dead". Those were the words my friend used. I felt like a fool when I thought about all the insignificant things I was so 'stressed out about'. But sometimes it takes for you to see a man w/o feet to stop complaining that you have no shoes. Couple that with the fact that I could have died in 2006 in a roll over car crash...but yet walked away without a scratch..and the word: GRATEFUL comes to mind. That is my word to any of you reading this. Take a moment to appreciate what you have in your life today, or for that matter the fact that you HAVE life...People always say 'tomorrow is not promised' but when you think about it..nether was today. Live accordingly :o)

~The Diva~

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