Today's Random Act of Video.....

Im feeling this Timbaland Drake collabo right now..hope you are too :o) as well as the new Monica joint..her style in this video is killing the game... enjoy!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

getting some things off my chest

Well people...its been almost a year since i blogged..i barely even remember to do it! That said i think its obvious that some catching up is in oder...There are two things that i have a bit of an attitude about these days and i just wanted to take this opportunity to vent about them..via my blog..i mean afterall that is its purpose right? so here goes...First i want to talk about all the hoopla surrounding Tiger and his 'let me come across as regretful so i dont lose ALL my endorsements' press conference...I dont give a damn that Tiger cheated on his wife...let me just clear that up right now..What that man does in his marriage means less than nothing to me..The only thing I have an opinion about is the sincerity of this 'pblic apology'...I cant begin to find a reason for the public to need an apology for a private indescretion...That would be like me cussing out my mama and then going to work and letting my boss and co workers know how sorry I am for what I did..Who really gives a damn about Tiger's endless parade of random jumpoffs? From what Ive seen in the media none of them were exactly top notch or highly sought after...There are hookers in Las Vegas who have more class and sophistication than some of these chicks..and to top it off theyre not broke as a joke..joke being the word to focus on in this scenario...because thats exactly what this whole situation is to me: a joke...Tiger is only sorry he was caught quite literally with his pants down...and nothing more..The fact that he wanted to go public with this apology of his all the while refusing to actually having to answer any questions, instead of simply allowing it to remain a private matter b/w a man and his wife, tells me that there is clearly an ulterior motive at hand..And the words damage control seem to be more than appropriate...My advice to Tiger is simple: Sit your ass down somewhere, man up and make your situation right...and feel free NOT to subject us to any more contrived self serving displays of one is interested..

Moving on to this ZTA stepshow i didnt have any issue whatsoever with these girls stepping in the sprite step off..i was of course later appalled as i watched one of the girls on MTV all but call out the AKA sorors in a not so friendly competition sort of this was a problem for me for two reasons: 1. how are a bunch of chicks who i would refer to as moderately coordinated former high school cheer squad members at best gonna have the gall to try to call out MY sorors?!...and 2. after hearing some of their commentary i kinda felt like the sprite step off wasnt the place for them just gonna put it out there..

now i know reading that it sounds like im being prejudiced but really Im not...this gripe is about staying in your lane from a cultural standpoint...i feel like when it comes to things that are linked to a specific culture's traditions and customs its viewed as a bit insulting and borderline disrepectful when someone from a different culture, race or whatever tries to adopt it for themselves for trivial reasons or worse with no reverence being given to the importance of its origin...To me stepping is something that represents the black greek experience with its origins being deepy rooted in the african experience dating back to slavery and even further..and there is no way you can tell me that a step team of girls, none of whom are even african american, can truly appreciate this form to the extent that they should...My feeling after hearing the girls talk about participating in the show was that they felt that stepping was "cool" and they basically wanted to be hailed as the "white girls who beat the black girls at their own game"...leaning of course to the novelty of the situation to put them over the top...Now if youre going to participate fine..but dont come with an air of entitlement about something that you should feel priveledged to do...

When i was in college I had an Indian roommate for awhile and Im sure she would have had a problem if she had come home from class one day to find me prancing around the dorm room in a sari while listening to Hindi music...And me doing so without making an effort to learn her culture or show her that i had a genuine appreciation for it would have and SHOULD have been viewed as out of line, and insensitive with regards to her ethnic background...

ANd i must say that I think its a bit questionable that due to some "scoring error" the first place prize which was awarded to ZTA initially is now being shared with the AKAs who many have commented should have been the winners in the first place...If you ask me...theyre simply giving them their just due..clearly there is no way in the WORLD ZTA was the rightful winner of that competion but as long as AKA got recognized as putting on a phenomenal show, i can accept that..But for the record ZTA: i hope youre grateful for the experience..and that you know that stepping is not just about prize money or bragging rights...its something that MEANS a great deal more specifically within the black greek community and the next time you find yourself on a stage with any of MY sorors..or any sorors for that matter might wanna seriously consider approaching it as such...

thats done..and im going to bed..

The Diva

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