Today's Random Act of Video.....

Im feeling this Timbaland Drake collabo right now..hope you are too :o) as well as the new Monica joint..her style in this video is killing the game... enjoy!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Are you with the WRONG somebody??

Are You With The Wrong Somebody?
Recently, Ive been getting bombarded with news and headlines about this story so much so that I decided to address it in my blog. For those of you who were unaware of this story it broke a few days ago and the details are pretty horrific. The accused was recently charged with the murder of Ms. Steward following an investigation of calls from neighbors who complained of a burning stench coming from his patio grill. Apparently Shepherd was unable to handle the news that Tynesha who recently ended their relationship, had moved on and was seeing someone else. Instead of handling this like a man, he took the most heinous and cowardly route imaginable. He murdered her (dismembered her body that is) and burned the remains using an outdoor grill. The complaints went on for two days until finally the police decided to pay Sheperd a visit. Initially Shepherd lied and apologized for the disruption, but later admitted to strangling Steward and dumping her body in a nearby landfill. Days later he confessed to the truth of the deed but by that time there was nothing left of Steward's body.
One neighbor recalled how Shepard would often invite people over for cook-outs using that same grill, and was appalled and disturbed by the news saying, "I thought he was a nice normal person. I guess you never know what your neighbors are doing." I talked with and older gentleman who is a sort of mentor to me about this situation and he imparted to me some very simple but very profound words: "Sometimes its better to have nobody than the wrong somebody". Those few words said so much.
As women we often get so caught up in the idea of being in a relationship and having someone that we lower our standards and choose out of desperation rather than out of what we want or deserve to have. Fortunate for most of us we don't meet with the same demise. This story is a glaring example of how choosing the wrong man can not only be damaging to the spirit but as in this case a fatal mistake. We have to be SO careful who we decide share our lives, bodies and hearts with ladies. You never quite know what people are capable of sometimes until its too late. It saddens me to think of how this young woman's life could have been had she not chosen this man. She may have seen something in his character early on and been dismissive thinking it was an isolated incident instead of a bright red "something is wrong here" flag. Or like many of us she could have been completely blind-sided. In either case it's a shame that it cost her young life. We have to start thinking with our minds instead of our emotions and make choices for our lives and not just for the moment. Even with careful consideration we can never predict what someone will or wont do, but inmost cases you can rely on your instincts. If your gut is telling you he is not "the one" then he probably isn't. If you're reading and you find yourself lingering on that thought for more than a few seconds, perhaps you need to ask yourself, are YOU with the wrong somebody?

here's to making hard but necessary choices......

1 comment:

Miss Indecisive said...

This is so very true! Especially since most women do hear their biological clock ticking away! It's a question I've had to ask myself lately. It's funny, I told my mother some issues I was having with the person I'm dating and she said, "you are too picky"! But shouldn't I be picky? I would expect any PERSON to be picky about the person they want to share the rest of their life with! When I say picky, I'm not meaning oh he has a Honda versus a Mercedes or he's got an Associate's versus a Bachelor's. No, I mean he lied about something that has a tremendous effect in my life. He doesn't have the same values that I do or anything of the sort. Sometimes we try to overlook the "signs". We have to realize that there are definitely signs in every relationship. Some signs are positive and some are negative. You've got to pay close attention to both before you give your heart away.