Today's Random Act of Video.....

Im feeling this Timbaland Drake collabo right now..hope you are too :o) as well as the new Monica joint..her style in this video is killing the game... enjoy!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Adding Insult to Idiocy

OK I got up this morning and basically what was my front yard just last night...had turned into what I can only describe as a dingy lake flowing down what used to be my street....Imagine the horror I immediately began to feel when I discovered that I was in the midst of a real honest to God flood!!My first instinct was to of course worry ..which quickly gave way to just plain old PANIC when I thought of what i would do should this murky nasty water decide to creep up into my 'just moved in about 9 months ago' house..Thankfully that never happened, as the waters quickly receded once the storm sewers caught up to them..Now comes the ridiculous part...I look out the living room window and see that some moron who decided that it was absolutley imperative that he leave his house despite the now knee deep water, had actually driven across several lawns (mine included I guess, even though he didnt damage my grass) in an attempt to reach the other end of the street where there was less water. Now this wasnt an especially bright idea for three main reasons:
1. barring a life or death emergency there was NO cause for him to have been out driving in the first place;
2. his car was like an 85 Chrysler not intended for off road, post flood conditions
3. due to the obvious abundance of water IT WAS MUDDY....Imagine this jerk' s surprise when his trip was abruptly cut short and he found himself stuck in about 6 inches of mud smack in the middle of a neighbors front lawn...NICE :oSo to top off the fact that this poor man (who is elderly by the way) has extensive water damage INSIDE his he has to figure out how to address the two ditches created in his front yard by this idiot...because im certain that Clevon (he just looks like that would be his name though I didnt ask) doesnt have the money insurance, or decency to cover the damages...I dont know what to say about my people sometimes *shaking my head*

1 comment:

BZ said...

Damn, girl! Just calling people out. I love it! Glad to see you on here. I'll have to check on you from time to time. Love, Boston.